Facebook Ad Agency

Amplify your business’s reach by precision-targeting ideal demographics with our Facebook Ad services.
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Unlock the power of Facebook advertising services

Advertising across social media is the key to boosting your brand's digital presence.

Why is Facebook advertising important?

Facebook advertising is pivotal for businesses in today’s digital landscape.

With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides a vast and highly diverse audience that spans different demographics, interests and locations.

But what makes Meta’s products so effective for your advertising campaign?

  • Its relatively low entry barriers make it accessible for testing and expansion.
  • Meta’s products excel in the middle of the sales cycle, allowing businesses to target consumers relevant to their products effectively.
  • High usage (59% of Australians use social media daily) means businesses can easily reach potential customers.
  • There is a variety of targeting options and ad formats in social media, which makes it an ideal choice.

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Why choose Indago for your Facebook campaigns?

Australian-based and independently owned, Indago has the region’s strongest paid advertising offering with a highly-experienced team that helps our clients drive outstanding results.

Industry experience

With our extensive industry experience, we proudly stand as a trusted Meta business partner.

Over the years, we have successfully executed numerous ROI-positive campaigns spanning various industries and verticals. Our proven track record includes remarkable retail, B2B education, accommodation, and more achievements.

This breadth of experience and accomplishments equips us with a unique understanding of the intricacies and nuances of different sectors, enabling us to craft tailored solutions that truly resonate with our client’s target audiences and drive tangible results.

Technological understanding

Staying ahead of the curve is essential in the ever-evolving realm of paid social media advertising.

Our mission is to be at the forefront of Facebook tracking and analytics.

This deep understanding of the technology underpinning our campaigns ensures that each project we run is strategically sound and actively contributes to our client's overarching business goals.

By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, we optimise campaigns for peak performance and tangible impact, allowing our clients to stay competitive and responsive in the dynamic world of digital marketing.

Client-oriented service

At our core, we believe in the power of individuality.

We don't engage in one-size-fits-all solutions or cookie-cutter campaigns.

Instead, we take a personalised approach to every project, tailoring our strategies to align seamlessly with each client's unique business structure and their distinct target audience.

Our commitment to understanding the intricacies of our clients' operations and the preferences of their audience enables us to create campaigns that reflect our clients' brand identity and forge genuine connections with their customers.

We're not just an agency; we're a partner dedicated to helping our clients achieve their business objectives with strategies as unique as their brands.

Our process

Indago's facebook advertising service is built around a precise methodology to guarantee top search engine visibility for your website.

1. Goal centric approach

At the heart of our Facebook Ads services is a collaborative process that begins with a deep understanding of our client's campaign objectives.

We firmly believe that clarity on campaign goals is paramount to success.

Through insightful discussions and consultations, we work closely with our clients to define specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

This goal-centric approach ensures that every facet of our campaign is meticulously tailored to align seamlessly with our client's overarching mission, making their aspirations achievable and measurable.

2. Audience insights

Achieving campaign success necessitates a clear understanding of objectives and an intimate knowledge of the audience we aim to engage.

Through a harmonious blend of client conversations and thorough publisher research, we uncover the intricacies of our target demographics.

This invaluable insight informs every element of our campaign strategy, from crafting messaging that resonates with the audience to selecting the most suitable imagery, ad types, and placements.

Our data-driven approach ensures that our campaign speaks directly to the hearts and minds of the individuals we seek to captivate, forging a profound and meaningful connection.

3. Experimentation and evaluation

In the dynamic realm of digital advertising, standing still equates to falling behind.

We wholeheartedly embrace the notion that ongoing progress and innovation are imperative. As a result, we foster a culture of perpetual experimentation and evaluation.

Our dedicated team is consistently engaged in testing, reviewing, and adapting, driven by the pursuit of optimisation.

We work closely with our clients to discuss and define KPIs, conduct in-platform forecasts, and align our strategies with specific platforms such as Instagram, Marketplace, Facebook, Audience Network, and Messenger.

This iterative approach allows us to remain at the forefront of the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape, ensuring that our strategies remain dynamic and effective, consistently delivering outstanding client results.

Explore our related services

Our range of paid media services means we’re ready to handle whatever comes our way.

Google Ads

Get more from Google Ads with a structured approach for optimal performance.


Supercharge your brand's visibility with our targeted YouTube advertising solutions, reaching millions of engaged viewers worldwide


Elevate your online presence with our expert web design service, where stunning design meets seamless functionality.

Our recent social media projects

Discover how our paid media services have helped these global brands achieve next-level growth.

From our clients

Our track record speaks for itself.
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Meet our team

Discover what our Facebook marketing professionals could do for you.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Facebook advertising agency?

A Facebook marketing agency comprises a group of social media specialists and media buyers who possess extensive knowledge in developing Facebook ads, crafting persuasive copy, and creating exclusive offers.

Their expertise lies in leveraging optimal word choice, enhancing the structure and readability of content, and ensuring eloquence, all while maintaining the original intended meaning. This allows your company to engage in a paid social media strategy which targets Facebook users to raise brand awareness.

How much does it cost to hire a Facebook advertising agency?

In our dataset, marketing providers worldwide charge an average of $190 per hour. For Facebook ads, the average worldwide rate is $215 per hour. Additionally, 84% of social ad agencies also provide SEO services.

Are Facebook ad agencies worth it?

When comparing the cost to hiring in-house, hiring an agency for your ad campaigns may initially appear more expensive. However, many companies discover it is ultimately more cost-effective for your paid ads in the long term. Working with a Facebook marketing agency can enhance and guarantee the success of your marketing campaign.

How much does Facebook advertising cost in Australia?

Average cost of ad spend: A$1.61*

Cost-per-click (CPC): A$1.61*

Cost-per-download (CPD): A$9.66

Cost-per-engagement (CPE): A$0.23*

Cost-per-like (CPL): A$13.34

Please note that the values marked with an asterisk (*) indicate the average costs.

Does Facebook ads help your business?

Facebook ads are a powerful tool to enhance a business's visibility on the platform and drive traffic to its core website content. Whether it's cornerstone site content, concise ad copy, or engaging blog posts, your own Facebook ads can be tailored to target specific goals such as increasing site traffic, maximizing impressions, and improving click-through rates (CTR). With the right strategy and optimization, businesses can leverage the full potential of Facebook ads to achieve their marketing objectives.

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