How to Recover From Google’s 2024 Core Algorithm Update

How to Recover From Google’s 2024 Core Algorithm Update

Feeling frazzled after the August 2024 core update? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a breakdown of what’s changed, what it means for your business, and how to keep your site on track without breaking a sweat.



28 August 2024





Google Chrome logo in the background of a silhouetted woman holding a mobile phone.

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Understanding Google’s Core Algorithm Update

Google’s core updates aren’t just minor tweaks—they’re comprehensive changes that reshape the way content is ranked and discovered across the web. For businesses reliant on Google, these updates can be make or break.

What is a Google core algorithm update?

Think of Google’s core updates as routine maintenance—several times a year, Google refines its search algorithms to ensure its search results are as relevant, helpful, and reliable as possible.

These broad updates don’t target specific sites, but they can still significantly impact your website’s performance.

When was the last major Google algorithm update?

Before the August 2024 update, we had a significant shake-up in March 2024. Each update brings its own set of changes, but the core objective remains the same: improving the quality of search results.

Animated man walking through dynamic search results

What is the Google algorithm update for 2024?

Released on August 15th, 2024, this core update is particularly interesting because it is not just a routine update.

After last year’s September 2023 helpful content update, many smaller publishers noticed a dip in visibility. This time, Google listened and adjusted its approach to make sure valuable content, especially from smaller and independent sites, doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

This update is designed to continue our work to improve the quality of our search results by showing more content that people find genuinely useful and less content that feels like it was made just to perform well on Search.

John Mueller, Search Advocate, Google Switzerland

Ultimately, the aim of Google’s 2024 core algorithm update is to give these smaller players a fair shot by promoting genuinely useful content—regardless of the site's size. That’s good news if you’re a business focused on quality over quantity.

How to recover from Google’s 2024 algorithm update

If you’ve noticed a drop in rankings or traffic, it might be time to reassess and ensure your content meets Google’s updated criteria.

The good news? Indago Digital is always on top of these changes, so you don’t have to be.

1. Assess site performance before vs after

First things first: Don’t panic. Start by checking your site’s performance in Google Search Console and Google Analytics to look for any significant drops in rankings or traffic that coincide with the update.

Compare metrics like click-through rates, bounce rates, and user engagement before and after the update to identify which pages need attention.

We also recommend checking out Google Search Status Dashboard for the latest info on how the update is progressing.

2. Fine-tune your content strategy

Once you’ve identified the areas that need work, it’s time to get hands-on.

Resist the urge to make hasty changes. Quick fixes, like deleting content or stuffing in keywords, can do more harm than good. Instead, focus on enhancing the quality and relevance of your content.

Rewrite, restructure, or update your content to better serve your audience. This might mean adding new information, improving readability, or making your site more user-friendly.

If your content is genuinely useful and crafted with your audience in mind, you’re on the right track!

3. Future-proof your site

It’s easy to forget that Google’s algorithms is just as prone to glitches and complexities as any other piece of technology.

The August 2024 core update may take up to a month to roll out and has already experienced three service disruptions affecting a large number of search results.

The key to handling Google’s ever-evolving algorithms is building resilience into your SEO strategy. Long-term success comes from maintaining consistent quality rather than chasing every update so keep an eye on changes, but don’t let them dictate your entire approach.


Teaming up with experts who get these changes can make all the difference

At Indago, we don’t just help you adapt to the latest algorithmic shuffle; we help you stay ahead in a game where the rules are constantly evolving.

Ready to take your content to the next level? Book in a chat today and let's ensure your site stays on top, no matter what Google throws your way.

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Lewis Torossian
The dog and bone.
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