5 Insider Tips For Enterprise Content Marketing

5 Insider Tips For Enterprise Content Marketing

From staying compliant to coordinating multiple teams, enterprise content marketing can be a massive undertaking that's easy to brush aside. This guide breaks down five simple ways enterprise-level companies can level up their content without the headache. Let’s dive in!

Headshot of Tahlia Reynolds

Written by

Tahlia Reynolds


18 July 2024





Young businesswoman thinking drawing an enterprise content marketing strategy on a whiteboard.

Table of Contents

1. Duplicate content

What is enterprise content marketing?

Content marketing at the enterprise level is a whole different ball game.

Whether it's an in-depth whitepaper or a blog post, it's all about creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a large, diverse audience.

However, enterprise content marketing comes with its own unique challenges, including scale, consistency, and coordination across multiple teams and regions.

Based on our experience managing content for large-scale clients, here are five essential tips for any enterprise company looking to refine their content marketing strategy.

1. Combat duplicate content

With a huge enterprise-level website, it's all too common to make the mistake of publishing duplicate content. This is when identical (or largely similar) content appears across multiple URLs, confusing search engines about which page to rank.

To avoid diluting your SEO efforts and harming your site's performance, we recommend:

  • Canonicalisation: Use canonical tags to tell search engines which version of a page is the primary one and ensure the right page gets the SEO credit.

  • Unique descriptions: Take the time to create unique product descriptions for each page. This can be as simple as using synonyms or even an AI tool to help re-word things for you.

  • Routine content audits: Regularly audit your content to ensure it remains relevant and effective. This will help you identify what works, what needs improvement, and what's holding you back.

2. Scale up your output

For any business, consistently publishing high-quality content is essential for staying competitive and standing out in the eyes of both search engines and prospective customers.

However, enterprise-level companies often face the added expectation of maintaining an image of reliability and thought leadership. While the demand is greater, luckily, their pool of resources available to invest in content production is likely to be, too.

To streamline your efforts, consider the following strategies:

  • Automation: AI tools like ChatGPT can speed up your copywriting efforts, handle repetitive tasks, and free up your team to focus on more strategic work.

  • Pillar/Cluster strategies: Using this model for your blog content is a great way to get more bang for your buck. By internally linking to each other, these pages allow you to cover all aspects of a topic, maximising your reach and showcasing your authority.

  • Dedicated in-house or agency team: Delegate the responsibility of content production to people who can make this their primary focus. Not only will this help boost your output, but it'll ensure your content strategy isn't an afterthought.

3. Stay on brand & compliant

As a larger company, you've likely invested a significant amount of time and money into establishing yourself as a brand, and your content needs to do this justice.

Not only is there more at stake, there are more moving parts and more red tape to consider.

Take a proactive approach and be mindful of the following:

  • Consistent branding & messaging: To build trust and recognition, all your content must reflect your brand’s voice and values, regardless of the medium or channel. Solidify your branding guidelines ahead of time and ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • Industry & government regulations: Compliant copy is essential, particularly for industries like finance and healthcare. Any content that goes out must be reviewed in-line with any relevant regulations to avoid penalties and maintain a great reputation.

4. Leverage enterprise content management platforms

One of the most underrated ingredients in the recipe for excellent enterprise content is organisation.

While most enterprises have some form of content management system in place, we often find that they aren't fully taking advantage of it for their content creation and distribution processes.

Here are three ways you can use your content management platform more efficiently:

  • Storing & organising documents: Hard-to-find documents inevitably slow down the content creation process. Keep things centralised, use tags, standardise file names and avoid clutter from duplicate or outdated versions.

  • File sharing & feedback systems: Enterprise content often involves a high level of collaboration. Whether it's an external marketing agency, stakeholder or graphic designer, ensure all parties can easily access, share and comment on your files.

  • Repurpose internal documents: From an old interview, report or a great testimonial, you never know when a gem hidden away in your CMS could come in handy. Internal documents like these could easily be transformed into insightful articles or engaging social media posts.

5. Diversify to maximise your reach

With enterprise content marketing, sometimes the best solution is to work smarter, not harder.

It's common for large websites to already have a wealth of great content available, so repurposing this content can help you engage with a broader audience across different platforms and formats.

To make the most of your content, consider:

  • Using different content types: Produce content that caters to all stages of the funnel to ensure the right user is getting the right message. Someone early on in their journey may need to be nurtured with informational blog content whereas a serious buyer can require a more direct approach like a sales-driven email campaign.

  • Cross-channel promotion: Promote existing or new content across multiple channels to increase your visibility and reach different audiences. When doing so, remember to tailor the messaging accordingly, e.g., leveraging Instagram's visual appeal or using a more professional tone for LinkedIn.


Content marketing for enterprise-level businesses can be complex and demanding. However, with the right strategies and people in your corner, content marketing can be a valuable way to maximise your reach and influence.

Whether you need a team of copywriters or SEO specialists, Indago Digital has the expertise to help you navigate the whirlwind world of content marketing and elevate your strategy.

Ready to discover what we could do for you? Book in a chat today!

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Headshot of Tahlia Reynolds

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Tahlia Reynolds
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