Elizabeth Htwe
Meet Elizabeth, a skilled content writer with a distinctive flair for blending creative copy with strategic SEO. Transitioning from a successful two-year stint in freelance writing, she discovered her passion for crafting engaging narratives and captivating storytelling.
Her journey began in the field of law, where she cultivated a keen eye for detail and clarity. Now, as an integral part of an innovative SEO agency, her primary focus is not just on words, but on the impact they make on an audience.
Outside of work, you can find Elizabeth at Mahon Pool (or any body of water) with her friends. Her latest crusade is to convince local cafés in the Eastern Suburbs to open later than 3pm so she has somewhere to go after work to sit and write her first book. She also loves travelling, Pilates and volunteering at local youth initiatives.
Elizabeth has completed a Bachelor of Laws and is currently studying a Master of Arts in Theology. She holds certifications in the Fundamentals of SEO and Content Marketing.